In mid-December the EHGF awarded $1500 grants to three students working on their Airframe and Powerplant mechanic’s license (A&P) at Sacramento City College. The award ceremony was conducted via Zoom meeting with AAA’s Don Wolfe moderating. Ken Dwelle, President of EHG Foundation offered words of encouragement to all of the students in the classroom. It was noted that Ken held an A&P license as well. Ken then proceeded to announce the grant awards. As each name was called, the class applauded and cheered. It was obvious that everyone was happy for the success of their fellow classmates.
Grant recipient Sophia Myachin is from a family where both of her grandfathers worked in aviation. Her father and brother are also graduates of the Sac City College A&P program. Sophia’s proudest moment was learning how to perform oxyacetylene welding. Intimidated at first, she finally overcame the challenges and completed the daunting task. After beginning the A&P program Sophia had the privilege of working at the same aircraft company as her father. One of her many goals is to become an FAA chief inspector.
Christian Monasterio enrolled in the Sac City A&P program, because of his lifelong passion for aviation. Christian enjoyed the well-rounded curriculum and found his instructors to be some of the best in the industry. Christian’s favorite part of the program was overhauling a Lycoming 0-290 engine and then using a test stand to verify that his group’s work was performed to airworthy standards. Christian plans to pursue employment as an A&P mechanic on turbine aircraft and airliners.
Srey Noch Ros came to America from Cambodia in search of a career that would spark her joy of life. A picture in a magazine of a young Asian female introducing herself as an aircraft mechanic “shocked her world”. Amazed that such a career existed for a woman, she found her way to enrolling in the A&P program at Sac City College. Srey is very proud of her accomplishments in the A&P program. Her future goals include earning FAA Inspector Authority (I.A.) and working on airliners. She also plans to gain a 4 year degree in aerospace engineering and to become a private pilot.